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Criminal Law

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Afghanistan’s legal system is a blend of civil law, common law, Shariah law and customary law and the criminal law is a perfect example of the mixed nature of the Afghan laws. Understanding the complexities in the legal system, especially, criminal law, is a difficult task. Nonetheless, it is vital to be fully aware of the criminal aspects of the acts and omissions for both legal and natural persons. For companies, because crimes affect businesses both from the inside and the outside. Even if individuals are honest in their dealings, that does not relieve them from the necessity to maintain a vigilant watch to protect not only their good name but also that of their business from the criminal activities of others. Whereas for individuals, the utility of understanding the criminal liability does not require elaboration.
Hatam & Nouri LLC (H&N) is home to the best lawyers in Afghanistan who can assist and advise you to understand Afghanistan’s criminal system and recognize the nature of business crime in the country. We can help to ensure that your professional associations are not the focus of negative media attention. Our service focuses on:
•- Identifying and managing risk in the scope of your daily business operations;
• – preventing arrest and asset seizures.